Image via Wikimedia Commons On the off chance Lin-Manuel Miranda is casting around for source material for his next American history-based blockbuster musical, may we suggest American Cookery by “poor solitary orphan” Amelia Simmons ? First published in 1796, at 47 pages (nearly three of them are dedicated to dressing a turtle), it’s a far quicker read than the fateful Ron Chernow Hamilton biography Miranda impulsively selected for a vacation beach read . Slender as it is, there’s no shortage of meaty material: Calves Head dressed Turtle Fashion Soup of Lamb’s Head and Pluck Fowl Smothered in Oysters Tongue Pie Foot Pie Modern chefs may find some of the first American cookbook’s methods and measurements take some getting used to. We like to cook, but we’re not sure we possess the wherewithal to tackle a Crookneck or Winter Squab Pudding . We’ve never been called upon to “perfume” our “whipt cream” with “musk or amber ...