This video combines three things that make me happy: the voice of Sean Connery ( who passed away today ), the music of Vangelis ( Blade Runner , Chariots of Fire ), and the poetry of C.P. Cavafy . Put them all together and you get a blissful soundscape of rolling synth lines, rolling Scottish R’s, and a succession of Homeric images and anaphoric lines. And the video’s quite nice as well. Cavafy, whose work, I’m told, is really untranslatable from the original Greek, always seems to come out pretty well to me in English. “Ithaca,” one of his most popular poems, expresses what in lesser hands might be a banal sentiment akin to “it’s the journey, not the destination.” But in Cavafy’s poem, the journey is both Odysseus’s and ours; it’s epic where our lives seem small, and it translates our minor wanderings to the realm of mythic history. Anyway, it seems rude to say much more and drown the poem in commentary. So, follow along with Sean ...