A New Online Archive Lets You Listen to 40 Years Worth of Terry Gross’ Fresh Air Interviews: Stream 22,000 Segment Online
As the weather grows colder, we look for reasons to stay inside, snuggled up under a blanket, steamy mug in hand. Or sometimes we look for an incentive to bundle up and go for a long freezing constitutional. Either way, 40 years’ worth of Fresh Air, Peabody award-winning radio journalist Terry Gross' interview show, is just the ticket. A complete digital database of over 22,000 segments is now available for your listening pleasure. Feeling overwhelmed? Scroll down on the home page to delve into a recent episode. Or dial it back to one of the earliest extant installments. (In the first decade of the show’s history, many episodes went untaped or got recorded over.) The massive database, created with help from library scientists at Drexel University , is also searchable by guest and topic . If you feel like handing over the controls, home station WHYY in Philadelphia has some suggested collectio...