A Brief Animated History of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses & the Reformation–Which Changed Europe and Later the World
Whatever our religious background, we all sooner or later have occasion to speak of nailing theses to a door. Most of us use the phrase as a metaphor, but seldom entirely without awareness of the historical events that inspired it. On October 31, 1517, a German priest and theologian named Martin Luther nailed to the door of Wittenberg’s All Saints’ Church his own theses, 95 of them , which collectively made an argument against the Roman Catholic Church’s practice of selling indulgences, or pardons for sins. Luther could not accept that the poor should “spend all their money buying their way out of punishment so they can go to heaven,” nor that it should be “easier for the rich to avoid a long time in purgatory.” In other words, Luther believed that the Church in his time had become “way too much about money and too little about God,” according to the narration of the short film above . Created by Tumblehead Studios and showcased by National Geographic for the 500th a...